The problem is not a cultural one but a lack of political will
The Coalition of Egyptian human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs), made up of independent Egyptian NGOs, regrets to state that the report submitted by the Egyptian government for the UN Universal Periodic Review does not reflect a serious desire to engage in a constructive dialogue designed to improve human rights in Egypt, which is the ultimate objective of the UPR mechanism. The report avoids addressing the real issues that have contributed to the deteriorating status of human rights compliance in Egypt, as documented previously by Egyptian and international human rights organizations, as well as by various UN agencies and special rapporteurs.
The report adopts an apologetic stance that attempts to justify human rights problems by pointing to the dangers of terrorism, the impact of the global financial crisis, and the absence of a culture of human rights. Thus, the report ignores the entire system of laws, policies, and practices that have fostered abuses and entrenched impunity for those responsible for them; in particular, the state of emergency in effect since 1981, which has obstructed various constitutional guarantees upholding civil rights and liberties. At the same time, the sovereignty of the law has been eroded, undermining the proper functioning of state institutions and agencies and the components of a nation of laws.
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