The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) will be holding a seminar on the “European Neighborhood Policy: Human Rights and the Egyptian-European …
Media and the Egyptian Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
CIHRS monitored Egyptian media’s coverage of the Presidential and Legislative Election held in 2005. In implementing this initiative, the CIHRS adhered to all internationally recognized standards on the role of …
12 Egyptian Rights Groups Demand International Fact-Finding Team on Killing of Sudanese Protestors
Twelve Egyptian human rights organizations today sent a letter to Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights demanding an international fact-finding team to investigate the violent removal by …
Euro-Egyptian Negotiations Must Be Transparent and Accessible to Civil Society NGOs: Press Release signed by 25 NGOs
Today, Cairo witnesses launching of the Euro-Egyptian Negotiations about the action plan on Egypt within the context of European Neighborhood Policy (ENP), which European Union (EU) issued in May 2004, …
CIHRS Criticizes National Human Rights Council’s Bias to the Ruling Party and Kefayah’s Labelling of Political Opponents as Traitors
The CIHRS expresses its concern about the statements made by the president and vice-president of the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) in Al-Ahram daily on the 19th, 22nd & …
Toward a New Egyptian Constitution In Celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the 1954 Draft Constitution May 23-25, 2005, Cairo
Final Communiqué May 26, 2005– Egypt is in need of a comprehensive societal dialogue to arrive at a new social contract;– The current Constitution is neither presidential nor parliamentary. It …
Peace Requires Justice: U.N. should Immediately refer Darfur to the ICC
The Darfur Consortium, is an umbrella group of more than forty mainly African civil society organizations, along with Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) and Human Rights First (formerly …
An Awarding Program for the students of Al-Khartoum University
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies hosted, together with the African Studies Office at the American University in Cairo, the scientific trip for the students of the Faculty of Economic …
The Greater Middle East Initiative and the Arab Civil Society
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CHIRS) organized a seminar on “The Greater Middle East Project and the Arab Civil Society” yesterday. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss …
Priorities and Mechanisms of Reform in the Arab World 5 -7 July 2004
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), the Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights (EOHR) and International Politics magazine held a conference in Cairo from July 5th to 7th on …