
Over 20 CSOs call on EIB Board to reinforce policies and standards in Environmental & Social Sustainability Framework, including on human rights

In International Advocacy Program by CIHRS

Over 20 civil society organizations (CSOs) including CIHRS have addressed a briefing letter to members of the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank (EIB), calling on them to reinforce the language and procedures in the new draft Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (ESSF) of the EIB, before they adopt it.

The CSOs recommend that the Board include stronger policies and standards in the ESSF to protect and promote human rights through a robust due diligence system, to enhance transparency and environmental due diligence, and to protect biodiversity and vulnerable ecosystems. The EIB should also commit to develop a fully-fledged human rights strategy, which should be complementary with its gender and climate strategies within the ESSF.

Read the letter here

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