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Report: Civilians hastily executed without due process protections by Egyptian military courts

In Egypt /Road Map Program, Thematic Reports by CIHRS

Today October 15, six independent rights organizations released a new report as part of the campaign to end capital punishment in Egypt. The report, “Military Execution,” examines the state-sponsored killing …

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Stand against impunity in Yemen prevails as UN renews war crimes investigations

In International Advocacy Program, United Nations Human Rights Council by CIHRS

In a significant stand against impunity for war crimes in Yemen, the 39th UN Human Rights Council voted on Friday September 28th to renew the mandate of the Group of …

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CIHRS at the United Nations Human Rights Council – 39th Session: UN renews historic investigations into Yemen war crimes despite Saudi threats

In International Advocacy Program, United Nations Human Rights Council by CIHRS

CIHRS at the United Nations Human Rights Council – 39th Session:UN renews historic investigations into Yemen war crimes despite Saudi threatsThe 39th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council …

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Death sentence for 20 Egyptians upheld in latest affront to UN calls to abolish capital punishment

In Egypt /Road Map Program, Statements and Position Papers by CIHRS

The undersigned organizations denounce the ruling on September 24, 2018 to uphold the death sentences of 20 defendants in connection with the 2013 attack on the Kerdasa police station. Egypt’s …

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New Report Details Deteriorating Human Rights Conditions in Egypt

In Egypt /Road Map Program, Statements and Position Papers, Thematic Reports by CIHRS

Human Rights First and the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) today released a new report detailing the severe crackdown on peaceful dissent and nongovernmental organizations in Egypt under the government of President Abdel …