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Statement opposing Egypt’s legalization of website blocking and communications surveillance

In Egypt /Road Map Program, Statements and Position Papers by CIHRS

We, the undersigned,call for the immediate repeal of the Anti-Cyber and Information Technology Crimes Law (“The Cybercrime Law”), as well as the review and reform of articles on internet surveillance and …

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Bahrain: 127 Rights groups call for immediate release of Nabeel Rajab after UN group calls his detention arbitrary and discriminatory

In Arab Countries, International Advocacy Program by CIHRS

For the second time since 2013, the United Nations (UN) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has issued an Opinion regarding the legality of the detention of Mr. Nabeel Rajab …

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Yemen: The need for the UN Human Rights Council to renew and strengthen the mandate of the Group of Eminent Experts

In Arab Countries, International Advocacy Program by CIHRS

To Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights CouncilExcellency, We, the undersigned NGOs, urge your government to support the renewal and strengthening of the mandate …

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Egypt: Impunity for Perpetrators and Retaliation Against Survivors

In Egypt /Road Map Program, Statements and Position Papers by CIHRS

The Fifth Anniversary of the Rabaa al-Adawiya MassacreFive years after the violent dispersals of the Rabaa al-Adawiya and al-Nadha sit-ins, there has neither been accountability for perpetrators nor justice for …

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Egypt:  Release Amal Fathy, victim of the state’s widening prosecution to silence human rights defenders

In Egypt /Road Map Program, Statements and Position Papers by CIHRS

The undersigned rights organizations condemn Amal Fathy’s referral to trial in case no. 7991/2018. Fathy is the wife of human rights defender Mohamed Lotfy, the director of the Egyptian Commission …

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The Militarization of Politics and an Authoritarian Revival: The Eighth Annual CIHRS Report on Human Rights in the Arab Region

In Annual Report, Books, CIHRS Publications by CIHRS

“The deterioration of humanitarian conditions and the state of human rights in most Arab countries is a natural result of the militarization of politics, the failure to find peaceful and …

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8 Years for a Facebook Video: Egypt Must Immediately Release Mona el-Mazbouh

In Egypt /Road Map Program, Statements and Position Papers by CIHRS

Sentenced to 8 years in prison for a Facebook video: over 25 NGOs call for the immediate and unconditional release of imprisoned Lebanese tourist Mona el-Mazbouh.Take ActionThe below signatories express …

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President must not ratify laws destroying last bastions of free speech in Egypt

In Egypt /Road Map Program, Statements and Position Papers by CIHRS

Share this PostThe undersigned organizations denounce the three laws regulating media passed by the Egyptian Parliament on July 16th. We declare our full solidarity with all journalists and media professionals …

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The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies at the United Nations | 38th Session of the Human Rights Council

In International Advocacy Program, United Nations Human Rights Council by CIHRS

بين 18 يونيه و6 يوليو 2018، انعقدت الدورة الـ38 لمجلس حقوق الإنسان بالأمم المتحدة في جنيف بسويسرا. ركزت الجلسة على القرارات المواضيعية، بما في ذلك تلك المتعلقة بحماية المجتمع المدني …