As Secretary General Ban Continues Intensified Diplomacy on Darfur, Thirty-Two Human Rights, Humanitarian and Religious Organizations Urge Him to Continue Pressing Sudan to Accept a Joint African Union/United Nations Peacekeeping Force

In International Advocacy Program by

Thirty-two human rights, humanitarian, religious and conflict prevention organizations praised Secretary General Ban in a statement released today for his intention to make ending the violence in Darfur a top …

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The acceptable face of opposition

In Opinion Articles by CIHRS

The Muslim Brotherhood and National Democratic Party tread the same path, writes Baheyeddin Hassan A widespread debate ensued in Egypt following comments by the minister of culture, Farouk Hosni, criticising the hijab, …

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Three years later

In Opinion Articles by CIHRS

The government’s flagship human rights organisation has done nothing to limit human rights violations, writes Bahey Eldin Hassan* On 18 January 2007, the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) will end …