Twelve Egyptian human rights organizations today sent a letter to Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights demanding an international fact-finding team to investigate the violent removal by …
Reforming Egyptian Universities before Autonomy: Possible or Not?!
It is highly difficult to separate the aspirations for realizing autonomy of the university, maintain free academic research and other academic freedoms as well as lifting the heavy hand of …
Egyptian Security Forces committed Atrocities against Sudanese Refugees CIHRS calls upon the Egyptian Authorities to declare what be came of around 3000 Sudanese refugees
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) expresses its grief and denouncement of the criminal atrocities committed by the Egyptian security forces against the striking Sudanese refugees yesterday morning. Approximately …
The Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Future of Reform
The achievement accomplished by the Muslim Brotherhood in the last parliamentary elections remains a widely controversial issue. The Group, still branded as “outlawed” by official and some unofficial circles, attained …
The future of the Egyptian new parliament
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) organized a discussion group under the title: “How long can the new parliament last?”, in order to assess the political and legal legitimacy …
Use of Media Public Funds For the Benefit of Ruling Party Candidates And the Derogation of their Opponents: Additional Evidence of the Absence of Integrity In the Parliamentary Elections… Second Report On the Media Monitoring of the Parliamentary E
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) held a press conference today to unveil its second media monitoring report evaluating the performance of the state-owned and private media during …
6 Syrian Human Rights NGOs participated in a CIHRS Training Workshop on Human Rights and Political Reform Issues in Syria
In the period from the 21st to the 30th of November, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) organized a training workshop on “Human Rights and Political Reform Issues in …
Intellectuals and Democratization in the Arab World
Egyptian and Syrian thinkers have stressed the role of Arab intellectuals in bringing about the aspired democratization in the region, and called upon them to mingle with their societies, work …
The Damascus Declaration…. Can it offer a gateway for change in Syria?
On the 16th of October, a congress of Syrian intellectuals, public figures, political parties and civil society associations announced the release of “The Damascus Declaration for Democratic National Change”. The …
Flagrant Bias in Favor of the ruling party’s Candidates. First Progress Report on monitoring the media coverage of Egypt’s Parliamentary Elections
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) held a press conference today to announce the findings of the first progress report by its Media monitoring team. The report evaluates …